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Highsteppers perform on the football field during the Union-Jenks halftime show.

First home game and halftime performance of the season for the Varsity Highsteppers.

#10forU logo for Union Schools Foundation

What can $10 do? Imagine if every Union parent donated at least $10 for every student they have enrolled at Union - that $10 would make a huge impact district-wide. Union Schools Education Foundation is continuing #10ForU - a fundraising campaign created to show how small acts of kindness can collectively make a meaningful difference.

seventh graders students that had all As, Bs, and Cs in their classes had a popsicle on the plaza during lunch! Way to go Rising Redhawks

Last week, seventh graders students that had all As, Bs, and Cs in their classes had a popsicle on the plaza during lunch! Way to go Rising Redhawks!

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